I really don’t feel like I have much of a personality myself so that will be hard but I’ll try to log as many shit as I can ig I understand now why Eric likes KMFDM so much. The band is fucking awesome. It’s like a premium band. U have good lyrics, music, and album covers. KMFDM SUCKS! oh god, I hate them so much seriously pls just kill yourself it’s for the best My average day I wanna die I love life why did I wanna die 20 minutes ago I hate that guy I like the guy he is kind Forget it he is just being kind in my face but talking behind my back. I won’t live that long anymore. Can’t wait to go NBK soon Why would I wanna do that? I have a whole life ahead of me? DUDE ITS TIRING WHO AM I I really feel like I have no personality sometimes. I just take other people’s personalities and copy them. After a while, you forget who you actually are. It’s actually pretty scary tbh. Ironic how I’m believing in “natural selection” while I wouldn’t even deserve to live if it would be reality simply bc I’m mentally too weird. I don’t really know what I have..? I genuinely have no idea. I write my thoughts down instantly so I can look back on them. I feel awkward reading them an hour later. CRAZY I don’t even like myself ERIC help me... i hate it so much i just talked to MY FUCKING FAMILY ABOUT MY PROBLEMS luckily not about my fucking plans. Im gonna keep my mouth shut now. Fuck me dude kill me right fucking now Pls i beg u let me feel happy for once psl i rlly wanna be happy. really i dont deserve this pls i want to feel loved for once why cant i be i loved wtf im such a nice guy pls i feel like so bad pls i need to be happy Im full of love and nobody wants it I WONT SHOW NO FUCKING MERCY PEOPLE ARE GONNA DIE AND IM GONNA FUCKING ENJOY IT i cant fucking understand how people enjoy life its fucking hell. I lost everyone Reb was lucky to have Vodka. I wish i had my Vodka. . I wanna have sex so bad i wanna fuck a bad bitch rlly fucking hard. I wanna KNOW how it feels ZZZZ probably feels better than the drugs. WHY cant i just fuck a bitch once just once fuck dude. suicide on my mind 24/7 i realy wish i could be nornmal. Why so many opnions why cant everyone just think the fucking same. Why bother having a democracy just brainwash people from their birth. I DONT LIKE IT WHEN PEOPLE DONT HAVE THE SAME OPNION AS ME. WHY TF U GOTTA BE SO GODDAMN FUCKIN ANNOYING JUST DONT BE A RETARD FUCKER! Whats so hard about having a brain huh? Cant u just use ur brain for one fucking time. U dont know shit u dont know how its like to be miserable u dont have any fucking right to ruin other peoples life and if u still decide to do so u deserve to be put in a fucking GRAVE. Veni, vidi, vici fuckers